Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 103

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 9
issue Number : 103

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 9، ، issue Number 103

Study of literary style in the academic prose of Gholamhossein Yousefi and Abdulhossein Zarinkoub

Somaye Aghababaei (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Gholam Hossein Yousefi and Abdul Hossein Zarinkoob are among the prominent writers and researchers of Persian language and literature. Considering the importance of the prose of these two authors in introducing or criticizing and analyzing Persian literary works, it is necessary to analyze their scientific writing stylistically. In many of the works of these two researchers, literary and scientific language have been combined, which has affected the clarity of the text and the power of conveying the message to its audience.

METHODOLOGY: In this article, the stylistic features of two important works, the Caravan of Helle Zarinkoob and the Roshan Yousefi Spring, have been investigated and analyzed in a qualitative and quantitative way. These two works were written for university audiences in the collection of literary criticism, which have literary style components.

FINDINGS: Based on the results obtained, it can be noted that the style of these two writers is a literary-scientific fusion style, which tends more towards the literary genre. The use of literary arts of simile, metaphor, irony, balancing arts such as puns, repetition, phonology, rhetorical questions with implied meanings, synonyms, rhetorical presentation and delay of sentence components, etc. have made both texts literary. Also, the use of components such as archaism, unquantifiable and ambiguous attributes, complex compound sentences, emotional sentences in high frequency has caused the text to move away from the scientific type of language.

CONCLUSION: It should be noted that both authors have moved towards literary language in the field of literary criticism and poetry analysis, contrary to the main purpose of writing the text. Yousefi, by choosing the literary art of similes, besides describing the subject, has also made value judgments, while the similes in Zarinkoob"s text often lack value judgments. Both authors have used metaphors in verbs and nouns to literaryize the text. The use of rhetorical questions with emotional load and allusions with implied meanings in high frequency along with emotional sentences and value-judgmental attributes have made the text literary. In Yousefi"s text, the sentences are pre-compound and simple; However, in the text of Zarinkoob, sentences of the postparsed compound type have caused the complexity of the structure to some extent.

stylistics , academic writing , literary style , scientific style , literary industries , Abdul Hossein Zarinkoob , Gholam Hossein Yousefi

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